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You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

Each book is different, so is each experience during the reading a book, meaning reading the same book. For the first time, I even didn't really pay attention to this book. For the second time I did pay attention, and I started to write down the affirmations, saying them aloud to myself, and I really wished, I longed to change my life. When I have read it for the third time, I was already in a different place, a different state of mind, trying to master the art of affirmations, already filled some notebooks with them. I can't recall exactly how many times have I read this book, but after a few years, I have decided to read it again, from the beginning to the end. I have this book by my hand all the time, because of the LIST. Yes, the list. The list includes all different kinds of diseases and their "psychosomatic" causes, and affirmations to heal the diseases. What we think, we believe, we attract, and what we think, what we say to ourselves, reflects in our body, and so we create ease in our body or dis-ease, depending on our thoughts. And so it is up to us to change what we think and say, and believe it. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

I will tell you this, my friends, even tho it is already a few years ago, six or seven, until to the recent day I have not understood the meaning of this particular affirmation:

"I approve of myself."

My first copy of the book was in Czech, and it seems I didn't understand it even in Czech. And I have repeated this affirmation over the years in English to myself, and I still didn't get what does it really means, but I repeated it, trusting, it's important and I will do it. Until the recent day. Yes, yes. I was walking, thinking about my work, and other things, in general interactions with others, and if I am looking for approval from them. And it hit me! Approval, approve, and it was like I would find a treasure. I was almost screaming with joy, and I was telling myself:

"I APPROVE OF MYSELF! I know what it means! I don't need the approval of others, because I APPROVE OF MYSELF! YEEEEES, YES, YES! I APPROVE OF MYSELF! I APPROVE OF MYSELF!"

And it just all clicked. I believe that I could not comprehend this particular affirmation, because I just really could not comprehend in real life what does it mean. I will explain it this way. I love Star Trek, all of them. And now I am discovering again Star Trek: Next Generation, where is the character Data. Data is an android, and Data does not have feelings, he cannot experience feelings. Data logically know and can describe the word emotion, yet he does not know it. But he is processing and observing, and learning, but as an android, he cannot feel. He tries to understand, to comprehend, he tries and tries. Sometimes we watch some situation, or somebody in life, some story, similar to Data, we understand his story, when we see it, we can even feel empathy for this person, we understand what is going on. What we might not see and realize is, that we might be in the same place, but we just cannot see it from our own perspective, because we don't know it, and so"we might be like Data", living the same story. The good thing is, we are not Data, so at one point we can realize, and comprehend. And I believe the moment of comprehension is the moment when we are experiencing it. In Data's case, it would be experiencing the emotions. At the moment when Data will comprehend emotions, it means, he is able to experience them, and truly feel.

Let's affirm and comprehend! Take it directly to the heart, our guide.

I personally love this book. And I would recommend it to anyone, this is one of the books for life!

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