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Today I have received the last pending certificate I have been waiting for for a few weeks already since I have completed my last yoga teacher training in April. And I set down, looked at the sky, listening to the city's heartbeat, and then it occurred to me. In all that city's "rush", living in the city center, and in all the pandemic insanity, I have completed more yoga teacher training than I have ever dreamed of.

Somehow I knew back then that I will become a yoga teacher in a European city when I was moving far to the West, and back then I remember telling myself, what a crazy idea it is? And I let it go. This is a true story.

Besides my feeling, my intuition, I thought, you have to go to India to become to get an authentic yoga teacher training to become a yoga teacher, or to go to Bali. Bali seemed to me as another good option. I was in Bali, before moving, and before the idea to become a yoga teacher in Europe. I went to Bali for the whole five weeks, by myself, to only practice yoga. I have practiced yoga every single day all day long. No yoga teacher training, just sleep, practice, sleep, walk, and practice. It was a very beautiful experience and many mystic experiences have happened there, but about that maybe another time.

But I guess, it is not about the place or circumstances, the craziest possible, it is about being ready, being allowing, and allow the Universe to do the magic. And I am not alone, during my study, I have encountered many yoga friends in the groups, who have chosen the same path, and it means that the very same was happening to them. A miracle in the midst of craziness. And this all just means that it must be happening all the time. All the craziness has nothing to do with that, but the path we chose, and there the healing is happening. There the healing is an inevitable process.

And when I sat and looked at the sky, just watching, and then it occurred to me, unexpectedly, how crazy actually it is, to becoming a yoga teacher, to make my dream come true in all this and realizing what has actually happened, I felt it. I have felt that love, greater than anything else, far smarter and wiser than whole humanity together and all the software we could invent. I am so grateful.

I am beyond grateful.

And so I wanted to share this realization, this thought, and to encourage you to never give up on your dreams. They may come true in the least possible thought circumstances, the head may not comprehend. Never judge the Universe, surrender, choose trust and choose to follow your heart and bliss. Choose positivity, love, and compassion. Sometimes it may sound crazy in your head, but your heart is never mistaken, no matter how crazy it may sound.

Now I must include this little story. Yesterday I watched YouTube and accidentally my attention was drawn to an older video of Oprah Winfrey interviewing Paolo Coelho. And the day before I was just thinking of him and his book The Alchemyst, but I didn't know why, I just suddenly thought about the book, I have read about 10 years ago. And then I have watched the video, and there it was, a great reminder and a great message:

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

What other sign, what other message I could get? Thank you, Universe! I get it, THANK YOU! I very much appreciate it!

P.S.: The Alchemyst by Paolo Coelho, is one of the greatest key books written, and I very recommend it!

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