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What is the Universe? How do we understand the universe? What does the universe represent for us, or you, or me? How big it is? Which words can you think about connected to the concept universe?

Space, Sun, Supernova, Stars, Constellation, Myths, History, Telescope, Planets, Star Trek, Starwars, Starfleet, Obi Van Kenobi, Princess Leila, Spaceship, Future, Time, Galaxies, Parallel universe, Moon, Astrology, Astronauts, Oxygen, Weightlessness, Speed of light, Vacuum, Spacestation, Aliens, New species, Little Prince, Summer sky, Pole Star, Big Bang, Quantum physics, Einstein, Abraham Hicks, Magic...

Imagine being in space on the space station watching the Earth. Well, certainly it must be truly beautiful. It surely gives a very different perspective and only a few people are courageous enough to undertake the risk to go there. And only a few people are also lucky enough to get the perspective.

I've been given a question if I would like to go to the universe. Hm, honestly, I mean, if I had the certainty I'd be back home soon and safe, yes, but this journey in this time of reality takes a lot of preparation and sacrifices and it is not like a walk the part, even the walk in the park, in the end, maybe more threatened than the flight to space. I imagine the beauty to see the Earth and the calm and tranquility, I also imagine the fear and the isolation there. In fact, you cannot leave the spaceship or space station. You are there stuck.

We can see the earth in the photographs. We cannot physically experience space and seeing the Earth out there, but we can see space. When the night comes, when the Earth turns around the Sun and comes in the position when we show the back and the sunlight doesn't blind us, and weather conditions are good, we can see it clearly and we like it. We love to watch and observe the stars and wander with our eyes in the night sky, looking for the constellations. It makes us feel good and connected. We like falling stars and we like the myth associated with the falling stars. And when we see it fall, we have to wish and it will come true. And we feel the tingle. We learn to hopefulness, and we learn the greatest law standing above everything, the law of attraction actually, we just may not realize it really.

We know that the falling star is an actual meteor, a bunch of matter, penetrating the earth's atmosphere and burning until nothing left. What do we see is the burn trace. What it is that make us believe in the wish and that it comes true?

In fairytales, the magic fairy makes wishes come true by the swish of her hand holding a magic wound with the star on top. Somebody was so smart, to bring the star's magic closer without waiting for the falling star. We could say, this idea was really revolutionary, in all honesty.

What makes us believe in the wish come true when the star falls and how it is possible it can and will come true?

What is magic?

Do we need to wait for the falling star?

Tune in, tap in, turn on...good vibes only 🤍

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