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SUPER ATTRACTOR by Gabrielle Bernstein

It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I am contemplating what to do, and then it occurs to me, I haven't yet shared my words on the book I have recently finished reading, SUPER ATTRACTOR by Gabrielle Bernstein.

As usual, I will repeat myself, the timing of reading this book was just perfect. Just the right book at the right time. And as usual, I have highlighted almost the whole book. There are not many sentences not highlighted remained. This is the third book from Gabby I have read so far.

What the book is about? It is about the law of attraction, how to become a super attractor and manifest life beyond the dreams. Somebody could actually think it might be a little quirky, but if we would dive into quantum physics, we would discover that it is more than natural and that it obeys all the physical laws. Who disobeys the laws are we, with our resistance, and resentment, and negativity. We actually don't disobey because they work either way, but we try to convince ourselves we can cheat the laws, to desire something, and instead of feeling good, we feel bad and that means to attract what we are emanating rather than what we desire, and so delay the manifestation. Easy like Sunday afternoon.

Gabby explains very beautifully how we are sophisticated in our way to NOT attract, and how to change it. Oh, I have found there myself, oooh yeah. I am a pusher, I try to play God, instead to let God make the magic. Or if it is more suitable for you let's say Universe.

It is nothing new to know that feeling is the key. We attract what we feel, not what we think. Even though the thought is the seed, and the feeling is the way.

The book is divided into 11 chapters:

  • The Universe Always Delivers

  • It's Good to Feel Good

  • There's More Than Enough to Go Around

  • Have Fun Along the Way

  • Lift the Veil

  • Invisible Guidance Is Available to You

  • Do Less and Attract More

  • Taking Spiritually Aligned Action

  • Appreciate and Appreciate More

  • Let the Universe Catch Up with Your Dreams

  • Unwavering Faith in the Universe

I have very much enjoyed this book, and I have very much learned from Gabby again. I don't need to say that I have also purchased the album with meditations and I couldn't resist getting the SUPER ATTRACTOR card deck. Well what can I say, I really enjoyed it, and I really love the book, because besides manifesting a life beyond our wildest dreams, first of all, these methods are methods toward feeling good constantly, to take control of how we feel, and change it when needed towards feeling good, and surrender, and to let go.

I love this book.

I've always known that there is a nonphysical presence beyond my visible sight. All my life I've intuitively tuned in to it and used it as a source for good. I've tapped into this presence of power to heal my body, support my relationships, guide my career in the service of others, and attract my greatest desires.

- Gabrielle Bernstein, SUPER ATTRACTOR, Introduction, You Are a Super Attractor -

There were a few "special" moments I have experienced during reading this book especially regarding the invisible guidance available, and I will share one of them. A year or so ago I have read a book from Sonia Choquette, about spiritual guidance, which I consider as one of the most joyful books I have ever read. So this book is about varied guidance like angels, animal guides, ancestor guides, etc. I must also say that I have come to know angels since I was very little when my grandmother has learned me a little prayer to say each night to my guardian angel. Well, when I was reading the book from Gabby, and just before I started to read a chapter about angels and archangels something happened. I talked to my mom over the phone, and she said something odd, actually, it wasn't odd in a normal sense, but it occurred to be odd to me, and I couldn't get rid of the feeling. My mom is Russian, and we were talking in Russian, and I was concerned about one Russian word and its meaning and she said it's the middle name after the father's name. But she started to say the full name of my father, how it would sound in Russian, and that was odd. My father's father name was Joseph. So it all turned around Joseph. And it felt odd. A few hours later, I wanted to play some music on my phone, so I opened the app and played the random list, and the first song was from an artist named Joseph. Well, of course, I didn't consider it as a coincidence. It was very clear to me, to look for the answer. And so I hurriedly and eagerly started to search for an angel named Joseph. And I must say, I have never known an angel with that name before. And I have found Jophiel, an archangel, which sign color is yellow. That day I went for a walk, and guess what? The very vast majority of all the flowers in blossom that period were yellow. Jophiel is the angel of beauty, besides others to find beauty everywhere. Would you like to know how my story continued? Well, when I was walking in the park, laughing at how everything is blossoming yellow, and how incredible this guidance is, I have come to one little lake where was one white lotus with yellow in the center. Shall I continue? It struck me so much the beauty of the lotus, it was something so simple yet so incredibly beautiful, so I came home and I continued in my search, this time it was the lotus. Do you know what the lotus sign means?

For Buddhist practitioners, a white lotus symbolizes purity, whereas a yellow lotus is associated with spiritual ascension.

- Katie Robinson,, The secret meaning of the Lotus flower -

Do I need to say, that day or two later I have read about it in Gabby's book?

As you use the practices the practices in this book, call on Jophiel to help you manifest the beauty you desire in your life and in your mind.

- Gabrielle Bernstein, SUPER ATTRACTOR, Invisible Guidance Is Available to You -

And so it goes...

I AM A SUPER ATTRACTOR now and on...


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