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Log 1: The reading begins

And here I go again. Another book. Another reading adventure, other changes in life, only to better. But life is a constant change. Our cells change on regular bases. We are not the same with each second. There is always a process in the making. And I have chosen the book WOMAN CODE by Alisa Vitti because I might be forty years old, but it is never too late! Actually, that's why. I take 100% responsibility for my body, and I claim my power! And I believe in cosmic perfect timing! I know what a tabu it is to talk about the cycle, just between the women. We feel uncomfortable about it, but it is something so natural, it is to create babies, fulfill our true nature become mothers, and blossom. And if we will not become mothers, so BLOSSOM! I surely want to perfect my cycle, amplify my fertility, supercharge my sex drive, and become A POWER SOURCE, that's the whole purpose of it! I am very aware, that being longtime under pressure, under stress, constantly pushing over limits, also being sick for a long time, and traumas healing, that all take their toll on the body, and the hormones then go haywire. And when it is once haywire, it just goes in circles. There are just simply some rules, we have to respect when we want to be a power source, and ultimately we have to take a closer look at our feminity, and by that, I not only mean, to recheck and behave like true Ladies* but respect and honor our bodies. Let's do it!

On top, of all, a Ladybug sat on me! And that is just a great omen. Besides the "Lady" in the word symbolism itself...hihi:

"Symbol of good luck, the ladybug is said to give blessings to those she encounters. Master in the art of metamorphosis, she transforms from a hideous larva to a beautiful insect adorned with bright colors. This totem animal is a powerful ally to make important changes in your life and go through your life’s journey with ease. Let’s discover its encouraging message: Believe in yourself and dare!"

I mean isn't it wonderful, and symbolic, finishing reading HAPPY DAYS, which I take symbolically as from being ugly, to ACT LIKE A LADY THINK LIKE A MAN and WOMAN CODE, which of course in my translation mean "to be beautiful"? To me it is. We all have our compass inside, we all know what we want, what we love, and what we love to do. And we have the power to bless it and honor it, to listen to it. We. And there is a simple practice to do.

EXERCISE: Sit on the chair with your feet on the floor, or sit on the floor with your legs crossed. The back is nice and tall, relax your shoulders, and tuck your chin slightly. Close your eyes. Put your palms open on your tighs, and take a deep breath filling in the abdomen, then the chest, until you cannot take any more air in, and then take a long breath out, emptying the chest, and the abdomen, until you feel there is no more air remained. Repeat two to three times. After that continue with slow long breathing, counting to 5 each, inhale and exhale. Focus on the air entering through your nose, your belly lifting, then falling, and the air leaving through your nose. After a few repetitions of counting, change counting to self-talk and say to yourself mentally:


Then exhale.


Then exhale.


Then exhale.


Then exhale:


And with that exercise, I will finish today's first log. Enjoy, and soon again!


My reading does not go exactly as I supposed it will. But then again, the right book at the right time. It surely makes me rethink my lifestyle, even my purposes, and even things like what I actually love, and what am I passionate about. Isn't it interesting? This book is more than just about hormones and how to balance the cycle. I surely am learning a big deal about my body, and why my cycle is not "standard", as I have learned to live with the PMS, and other symptoms, like headaches, mood switching, and irritable bowel syndrome.

And more, it makes me think when we accept and accommodate ourselves to live with discomfort, or we never experience the standard at all in our cycle and so life, and we make our discomfort a standard, or we grow as this discomfort being the standard, we make all our decisions on our distorted being, and vision. Wow, now that is really deep.

I give you an example. I surely don't believe in coincidences, and while I try to continue reading the book, juggling with currently extremely exhausting work, and trying to get myself together to be able to continue doing it for the moment, I have seen an interesting little workshop from Jay Shatty. I don't know why I registered myself for it, I just felt this impulse to do it. The funny thing is, it happened very quickly, almost the same fast as the manifestation of a blue butterfly. So I opened Facebook, saw the advertisement for a free workshop, registered myself, and guess what, without knowing, the workshop was beginning just in five or six minutes. And I was like, wow, this certainly means something. So I participated, and I listened and tried to catch as much as possible at the present moment. Then there was one sentence said about how to find our passion. And it was said to go back in childhood and to remember doing the things we loved and we have done for hours. Now, another important thing was said, that it can be anything, we might have even forgotten. And I was stunned. I have remembered, what I adored, and I have completely forgotten. And this experience I have quite immediately connected to what the book is saying about hormones, cycle, discomfort, body and mind connection, and everything just fell in place. What I try to say is, that the moment I got my very first period, nothing was quite right. First of all, I was in camp, I was scared, I was alone, and it remained like that for a long time like that. I have not told a person, not at all at home when I came back. I felt ashamed. And when it was discovered at home that I was becoming a woman, it was a nightmare. Fortunately, they took care of our education in school, so I could handle it, and all, by myself. And this I carry with me my whole life. The emotional treatment I have gotten at home, I wish nobody else will ever experience. It was truly humiliating. I don't blame anybody, because the circumstances of our back then situation, reflected it all. It does not take back the fact, that I still feel ashamed of my cycle, and being a woman. What I try to say is, that my body started to change, and I did not want it to change, because I was ridiculed, and did not get any support whatsoever, all leading to the sport. And it was probably back then when I have forgotten all that I loved to do before. Now back to the book.

I cannot explain, why books about hormones and taking care of my physical body have not resonated with me earlier. I have read plenty of books on nutrition, on exercises, but this one is different. I have read books on anatomy, I have studied in school anatomy, physiology, etc, and yet here I am years and years later, wondering how is it possible, I have come to this point now and in my forties?!

Well of course I know, my intention firsthand was to get ready for pregnancy, because I have passed forty, and I wish to have a healthy happy baby and become a Mommy. What I did not know is everything I will learn, about my body, and myself as a woman. I thought I know about the connection between body and mind, I did not know how little I know.

As a classic says, it is never too late! My reading and findings are quite shocking to me, nevertheless, it just proves I am on the right path, and my inner guide works perfectly no matter my learned subconscious bodily discomfort, which I consider as standard (mentioned above).

And that my friends, just proves what A Course In Miracles says:

"I am not my body."

Now if I'd be speaking it would be an amazing moment to drop the please, imagine that and the sound of the mic drop...hihi. I will leave you with that.

Thank you!


Long story short. The WOMAN CODE book is the "MUST READ". You will learn in just 5 steps to get in the flow with your body, and yourself. It is indeed, the kind of education we were all missing, not to mention our mothers and our grandmothers were missing, and unfortunately, still lots of women are missing and will miss. And this is the reason, after reading this book, I not only feel the responsibility to get in the flow with my body, and I cannot wait to apply all I have learned, step by step, but I feel the responsibility to share it with all other women, and so spread the joy and the vibe. I feel truly excited. The younger you are, the better. The range is nevertheless between the '20s to 40's . The sooner you will read the book, the better. I cannot stress enough, how significant this book is. And I cannot put praise enough on the great work, all valuable information, insight, and wisdom found in the book. Not to mention I do have not enough words to express the actual excitement and gratitude I feel.

This book has already brought me great relief. Into my thoughts and feelings. Because somebody put the words on actually that what I feel. I have always felt deep inside, that experiencing big pain, or other symptoms around the period is not normal, that it can get and be normal, and that we can be symptom-free. I knew so little. I have learned so much. And that person is Alisa Vitti, who did the whole research and thank God found herself, and her purpose, speak for all the women and to all the women who suffer all kinds of symptoms and help them get better and get in the FLO.

Dear ladies, if your great desire is to perfect your cycle, amplify your fertility, supercharge your sex drive, and become A POWER SOURCE, first I encourage you to get the book:

Secondly know about WWW.FLOLIVING.COM, where you can find all kinds of resources, and testimonials.

And lastly, if you don't track your period and your symptoms yet, you can start right now. The application by FLO Living is paid, but it is absolutely worth it:

Sooooo, let's get In the FLO! (Which is, BTW, also the name of Alisa Vitti's other book, and of course, the one waiting on my table to start reading it!)

Ladies! We are power sources!

Thanks for submitting!

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