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Now what?

That is the question. What shall I write about? It has been one week since I have published my first again contemplation. And I was thinking all day week-long, what I am going to write about?

The thoughts in circles like: I should write once a week. I could write about this or this. On repeat.

And the Sunday is here, I have attempted to write already two articles today and I threw them into the trash because it is just not working today. Or isn't it really? Considering this as the third attempt I must say it is really good, really really good. I just didn't feel like the topics going through my head was the right, it didn't feel like and it doesn't feel like to write about it. Do you know what I mean? The truth is Sun is setting earlier than two months ago and clearly we can feel the difference before the summer holidays and now and anticipating the end of the holidays and the beginning of a new "school" season. I do feel it.

One year ago we would be more predictive of what is coming. The school and usual rush, maybe repeating some kind of a circle. Now we know that the school is coming, but we face let say some "unpredictable" conditions, day by day, even if it means when we were predictive we could possibly take the things for granted. Here we are. Now what?

But I guess it is not an unusual question. We always face uncertainty even if we create some kind of a bubble, habits, circles of habits, plans, etc. I have created bubble for myself and I was scared to put just one finger out and I was thinking the bubble will protect me of uncertainty. But in fact, the bubble is just an imagination and protects us from the uncertainty that contains good things too. It what my bubble does. I still have my little bubble, but is smaller than it was, is thinner than it was. Is there but is getting thinner and thinner. We live every day in uncertainty. In fact, the bubble may be resistant. My bubble is just resistance. Uncertainty is creativity, possibilities we may not see, possibilities we wouldn't be courageous to think about, considering wildest dreams maybe and to dare to. Resistance is the ego talking trying to control everything. But the ego is a very little player, who wants to play the big part. The big part is taken tho. And that is what the ego doesn't comprehend. Now what?

Pop the imaginative bubbles up. Be nice and kind to each other and to ourselves, connect with others through empathy, compassion, interests, care one of another and everything else will just evolve. It is all going to be just alright. And blow the real bubbles like kids do and, pop the bottles full of real bubbles and drink them up.

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