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Have you ever written a love letter to the most important person in your life? Yourself? I did. I have read a self-help book "6-minutes coach - find your true love", by Pierre Franckh. And one of the tasks was to write a love letter to self. I have included writing a love letter into my new Summer Happy Holy & Healthy Challenge, and here I would like to share with you my original letter, which I wrote in Prague, on the 22nd of June in 2015. Seven years ago, that's so crazy.

My beautiful, the kindest Anicko (this is how they call me back at home),

you are my bright sunshine. It is a long time since I look to find a way to you, and the courage to express my feelings to you. You are the most beautiful being in the whole Universe. Your external beauty equals the internal, and it is shining, and burning bright like the Sun, the center of our galaxy. My kindest Anicko, Your soul is the Sun, Your body is the whole galaxy and your love is the whole Universe, constantly expanding, and growing, encompassing other and more and more galaxies. Your love is infinite. My beautiful, kind Anicko, your perception is generous and succumbs to higher principles, other people, unknown, principles, don't be afraid of anything anymore, let all worries go away and lighten up by your warm loveful Sun all the planets, and corners of the Universe. Bring the light to everything, into every corner, and then you'll see, that nothing's there and that they are empty, and that fear is only an illusionary shadow.

Anicko, you are the most beautiful person and you deserve the only very best, and all your desires to come true. Your purpose is to do only what you really love to do, what fulfills you and makes you happy. You are an amazing dancer, so let all the fear disappear, and show your talent. Show to the people, who you really are, talented, sensitive, wise, smiling, energetic, positive being, who's rejoicing every little thing every day, and foremost herself. My kindest Anicko, I love you, deeply, from the bottom of my heart, you are my biggest part and you always will be. My Love, I wish you all your dreams and desires come true, to live your dream, to be always in love, always dancing and rejoicing. Be yourself, be who you really are. Be wise, gentle, passionate, be happy! I cannot imagine life without you!

I love you Anicko, My Love!

Your Anicka

P.S.: All your dreams are coming true!

Reading it today, makes me smile. I have probably shared the story about my friend, who took me for a massage to one incredible lady, who at the end of the massage, told me to say to myself aloud "I love you, Anicko.", and I firmly responded "No!", and refused, and she kept me on the table till I said it. And the first time I actually said it aloud, there, naked on the table, just covered with a towel, I burst into tears, and I couldn't stop to cry. When I read this letter today, I smile. To love, give, receive, and accept, is not so obvious for everyone equally. Including foremost expressing our feelings, and I mean, not suppressing any, but rather listening to them and express. I believe, that amount of love and joy reflects directly in our life, and is the only true indicator of your success and happiness. So we better learn to love, especially ourselves, to give generously, to receive and accept eagerly, to listen to our feelings, and express them courageously, and freely in order to deliberately create our happy life. At least this is what I say to myself.

I wish you happy writing, and I will look forward to your input.


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