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"FREE" Bunny Body Challenge

What is Bunny Body Challenge?

It is an initiative to support each other in the effort to sculpt the body before the summer, in 10 weeks! Because together everything is easier. This challenge is completely voluntary and it is completely for FREE!

For who is it?

For me, for you, for everyone, who wants to transform the body after the winter and get ready for the summer, feeling good in their own body and on the beach in a bikini, and for all those who lack the motivation to in doing so, or who loses the motivation on the way.

What is the purpose of the challenge?

In order to see the results of our efforts getting that Bunny Body for the beach in the summer, there are three key elements: MOTIVATION, MAINTENANCE OF THE DRILL (REGIMEN), and the most importantly having FUN! And so is the purpose of this challenge!


Now is a perfect time! We have just 10 weeks left till the summer holiday, it's a perfect time, to get

started! We start on the 18th of April and we will finish by the 26th of June, just perfectly ready put the bikini on!

Where? The challenge is only available on Facebook in the Bunny Body Challenge group! Because this is a group effort! Together goes everything much much better, especially regarding working out!

What is in the challenge?

Let's say this: 10 weeks = 10 different challenges, or maybe more? That is up to you to figure it out!


The challenge for the first week is OUT! Just join the group in two clicks, and that is it!

Thanks for submitting!

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