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Easter Bodysculpt 2023

Where: Aspria Royal La Rasante

When: Easter Monday 10th of April 2023, 11:00

We did it again! And it was a treat! Full class of bunnies and it was so much fun!

Unofficially I disguise myself at any opportunity, and Easter is one of them. (Just to know, I purchased my first bunny ears and a bunny bun more than 15 years ago. Today I have four of them.)

This year it was very special, because this year it was official with grandeur, with a poster and publicity and with bubbles after the class! And I must say, I love it! Of course, little Bunny's buskets with cookies didn't miss! It was Anna on the mission full blast again! WORTH IT!

I love to see more and more bunnies come to the Easter Bodysculpt class! It has become a quiet bunnies squad!

And it was a great workout. And of course, we have targeted the buns, and like proper bunnies, we honored Easter with a bit of jumping and a bit of "BOOTYLICIOUS" dance (wink, wink)!

I am a very lucky girl, and I very much appreciate it all!

My thanks go first of all to Aspria clubs, namely Aspria Royal La Rasante for the generosity, goodness, and kindness, for all the given opportunities, for teaching the classes, and for having so much fun with all the participants! I am thankful for the perfect job they did with the poster, the publicity, the organization, their professionalism, and most importantly the offered drinks! It is a great pleasure to work with an enthusiastic, uplifting group of people who shares the same values!

Thank you! The Best Member's Club For Wellbeing And Fitness!

And my special thanks go to Caroline, Gabrielle, Gabriela, Elisabeth, Nathalie, Sabine, Karin, Nadine, Linda, Anne Marie, Daria, Vinciane, Rose, Magda, Anastasia, Megane, Annie, Leticia, Naema, Ruth, Tanya, Antonella, Stéphanie, Fernanda, Julianna, Marie, Françoise, Marie, Georgia, Alain, Marie, Camille, Elena, Kristina!

Thank you for your support, and your love, and thank you for you! You are true SUPERSTARS!

Here is the playlist for you... Easter Bodysculpt 2023 Listen now on #Deezer




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