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Finally, it took some time, to sit and reflect on the time I have read the Bridgertons books. Maybe I should call it Bridgerton the VIBE is ON because when it comes to Bridgerton books by Julia Quinn it is all about the vibes. This series is the most beautiful book series I have ever read. EVER! Since January 2020 I have read plenty of books about spirituality and personal growth and healing and loving self. It looked almost the more I read, the more I needed to read. And almost after one year and a half, I dared to purchase a romance book by Julia Quinn, because as I mentioned in the previous article I loved the Netflix series. Little did I know when I have read the first book according to which this series was created, what will come next. Well, I could have been satisfied with just the first one, but I have purchased the second one, and with that, I was caught, the third followed. The fourth, fifth, and sixth, I have purchased together, and seventh, eighth, and ninth as well. The books number 4 to 9 I have read in total 7 days. I have certainly had moments when I have read one book a day in those 7 days, of course. And if I should stay by numbers, I have already convinced two people to read it too, and the process is just the same. Oh, and their excitement is just the same. Everyone falls in love with Bridgertons and all their stories. When you start reading "THAT'S IT", the Bridgertons, Violet, Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, they will get you. I talk about these books at every possible opportunity. They have just everything, love, drama, sex, weddings, a large loving family, and plenty of insight as well, and much much more, they dare you to think everything is possible, they dare you to dream, to imagine. They are so exciting and so surprising! Oh my God! And in my opinion, it was the greatest lesson of spirituality I could have ever received! Yes! Through these books, I could live my emotions, I cried, I laughed, I was angry, I was sad, I felt hopeful and more, and ultimately and all the time I felt happy and so joyful, and so so so GOOD! I dared to dream, I dared to feel it, and it was absolutely liberating and super contagious. It felt RIGHT! These books are so much fun! I love reading books, but these books made me fall in love with reading again and in a whole different way. It just felt like the puzzle piece fell in its place, like a home. To me home is in the heart. The heart is the home, the seat of the soul, the seat of the spirit, the Self.

I am so grateful I have bought the second book of this series, which led me to read all of them. Because it would not be complete, and even if I would not know it, I would not feel complete. Isn't it interesting? Each and every one of the books is different, as are the Bridgertons siblings, but they are like a rainbow, they all create the rainbow. So if you would ask me, which one is my favorite, I'd say, I love the whole rainbow, and I will never choose one color over another one. The same is with the Bridgertons. I will never choose one over the other. I love the whole. I love them all. That's family. These books are just super adventure.

The kisses, the kisses are EVERYTHING! Hihi...


I guess that is it when it comes to the law of attraction and making our dreams come true, it is all about the feeling, the way, the vibration. You will certainly climb the scale of the emotions (according to Abraham Hicks), to the top, feeling good! These books are just masterpieces. And what has happened after I have finished the reading? I try to surrender myself to the guidance of the divine, I try, I practice as much as I can, sometimes too much, sometimes not at all, it is a process. Nevertheless as always when it comes to my reading, I completely trust the order of the books which come to me. I always get the right book at the right time, or better say, I always read the right book at the right time, it is just as I feel it. That is something I completely surrender myself to it. And as I have picked the Bridgertons, it looks it was like a prediction of what was to come. Because after that, the Universe by the super fun way let me reconnect with my friends and get the messages about their wellbeing, and about their life taking the right path, and making their dreams come true. One happy ending after the other, like the Bridgerton books, what can one want more, than to receive so much joyful news! And it just keeps coming! What else to say, I am VERY GRATEFUL! When somebody is genuinely happy, that is priceless! And I just LOVE IT! It's like Bridgertons have manifested in real life, hihi! I LOVE IT!

Thank you for reading, I very much appreciate it, and I hope you'll find the way to Bridgertons, and let yourself inspire, and enjoy the romance, and switch the button ON to high vibes, to romance, to feel good!


With love,

Your Anna

P.S.: There is no coincidence I drew lots of the card "It's good to feel good" from the Super Attractor card deck by Gabby Bernstein.

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