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After Christmas, I look forward to listing the books I have read throughout the year. And the time is here, and this is my list:

A Course In Miracles by Foundation for inner peace

You can heal your life by Louise Hay

Good night stories for rebel girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo

The drama of the gifted child by Alice Miller

The Answer Is Simple...Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit! by Sonia Choquette

SPIRIT JUNKIE by Gabrielle Bernstein

The boy who was raised as a dog by Bruce D. Perry, M.D., PhD.

What I know for sure by Oprah Winfrey

A lotus grows in the mud by Goldie Hawn

A Man, A Pan, A Plan by Paul Kita

The gift by Hafiz

Ma cesta za stestim by Karel Gott

HAPPY DAYS by Gabrielle Bernstein

Act like a lady, think like a man by Steve Harvey

A WOMAN CODE by Alisa Vitti

In the FLO by Alisa Vitti

I have tremendously enjoyed each and every book. This list is shorter than the list of the previous year, nevertheless, I would say it is because the selection of the books was truly powerful.

At the beginning of the year, I dedicated myself to finishing reading the books I started in 2021.

A Course In Miracles by Foundation for inner peace

Honestly to remember where it all started is quite a challenging task. But what I remember is when I started noticing several people refer to this particular book, I felt the desire to know and to read it. Of course, there is always what I did not know the thing. It took me one year and a half to get through. It is a transformative spiritual guide to live life in miracles. It consists of three books: a Text, a Workbook for Students, and a Manual for Teachers. ACIM makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception.


Noting real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

How was my experience?

I ordered the book during the lockdown, and I started my reading and study on 1.1.2021. I've started really with the Workbook for Students, which consists of 365 exercises. Each for one day in a year. The first exercise begins to distinguish reality from the truth, and change one's perception, and then step by step it builds up and challenges one in a new different way, to the waking up from the dream. I came to the middle of the exercises, and then I took a break for a few months untill the moment when I felt ready to finish up. During the second half of the exercises, I added the reading of the Text, followed by the Manual for Teachers. The book, or better say the introduction does not say how one should start the study or reading or where to start. It is really up to oneself intuition.

Anyway, what really happened why I took the break I hardly remember. But what change it to continue reading and studying was the book by Gabby Bernstein, SPIRIT JUNKIE. I credit her and her book for helping me get my mojo back. Her book is basically about her experience with A Course In Miracles, applying miracles into life, and living a miraculous life. Her book really prepared me to get through. And this way I thank her.

Living a life in miracles is really day by day experience, better say a moment-by-moment experience to which I refer to the present moment. In one simple moment if you pay attention may be lots going on, thoughts, and emotions wise. The negative ones may seem to make havoc on one and take control of oneself. Yet, they are just thoughts and they can be changed. As ACIM says: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

Yes, I did it again, and I am 100% positive I will read this book again. It is my staple in my library and a day-by-day guide to positive thinking. And anytime some dis-ease or body symptom appears, I list in the book to find out what I missed, what I am thinking negatively about myself, and what I have to focus on my positivity at the moment.

It all started with one book for little girls about powerful significant women in our present and history. And it continues with a series of books now. In every woman, there is a little girl, so does not matter what age you are, this is a truly wonderful book for every youthful and limitless woman!

The Drama Of The Gifted Child

I noticed this book in the movie with Jennifer Lopez, Maid in Manhattan. In the movie she's on the bus, holding and reading it. It is hard to say exactly why Jennifer read the book, nevertheless, I heard the calling to read it. What I can say referring to Jennifer is, that we truly cannot know what is going on behind the closed door, or behind someone's public persona. At the end of the day as I wrote above, in every woman, and man, there is a little girl and a little boy, and we don't know how they are truly feeling behind their public persona.

I think I have cried a lot because it has deeply spoken to me. It was a big AHA moment book for me, about the relationships between the parents and their child and their upbringing and education. We're so fragile and vulnerable to trauma and generation trauma, it is just overwhelming really. But when we learn about that, that is very liberating, and a stepping stone to changing the narrative, and really getting out of the way to our happiness.

The Answer Is Simple...Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit

Sonia Choquette is one of my favorite authors and guides. Reading her book is always a ride of 100% JOY. It is the source of pure JOY and POSITIVITY and OPTIMISM. This feels really really good reading it!

The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog

Honestly, it is not an easy book to read, because it contains stories of unfortunate children with deep traumas, and how the traumas occurred. Nevertheless, it explains where and why the traumas occurred, and it describes the years-long study and observation, the ways to heal, and so the real-life happy-endings of the mentioned stories. I am very thankful for this book, and all the work of Bruce D. Perry, M.D., PhD. does. Children are the most vulnerable of all, they are like sponges, and everything they perceive they sink in, and that creates their future as an individual. And they are our future.

What I Know For Sure

A wonderful book, as usual. It is about the wisdom Oprah learned along the way. A really good feeling good book for the moments, when one feels like one needs a boost of motivation or a piece of wisdom, or just feeling good.

A Lotus Grows In The Mud

Now, this book is the most surprising book I have ever read. We truly have no idea what is going on behind someone's public persona, or better say how was their journey, and how did they feel, especially the ones we see on the big screen, products of the Holywood Universe. I have laughed and I have cried reading this book. The way Goldie writes the book is so authentic as she is herself. It is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read, on top of one of my first memoirs, and I am truly grateful that the Universe led me to this book.

A Man, A Pan, A Plan

This is a cookbook for men. Yep, I have purchased it to learn more about the kitchen for man, and how to make my man happy. I used it as a guide in preparing a tailored meal plan. And I have of course learned more about the tools in the kitchen and how to use them...hahaha, it is true. I had no idea what temperature turned on the stove for a different kinds of meat of vegetables and more. A Man taught me to cook now. Until this moment I was an intuitive cook, hahaha. But no jokes, it is true, and it is fantastic to learn more about my man's stomach and a kitchen pan.

The Gift

A collection of spiritual poems. I think the first collection of poems I have ever read.

Ma Cesta Za Stestim

This book is my heart's desire and dream come true. I manifested it as a gift to my 40th birthday, and it is the largest book I have ever read and the second memoire. Karel Gott always believed in following oneself heart. And that is why I have been drawn to him. My favorite song of his was Lady Carneval, everytime I played it, I tried to play it in presence of other people to bring joy to our daily life. A wonderful life story, a wonderful person, with plenty of wonderful memories and surprises. It touched my heart, as he touched the heart of millions of people on this planet, with his wonderful voice, humor, positivity, values, and believes.

The latest book by Gabby, and the last book I have read about trauma, but this time from spiritual point of view, and how to heal oneself. It is the most vulnerable book by Gabby, and it is at the same tie the most courageous and brave book, and very beautiful and helpful. What I love about Gabby's books is that through her voice, through her experience one can identify with, and let go with greater ease, because one feels like not being alone.

It is the first book I have used as a tool to my new concept of blogging, I called OPEN POST. I have attempted to kind of journal about my journey through reading, how it went you can judge for yourself.

Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man

You may probably know the movie based on this book, with the same title. Well, what to say about it? I mean who is the best to write about how to understand man, then the man himself? And funny thing is by the man with a great knowledge of women? I mean, wow. I loved movie, same as I love the book. It is full of wisdom to longterm relationship. And is very entertaining and funny at the same time. And I mean come on, what is the best than not to take self so seriously? No matter the gender. But ladies, STANDARDS, let's have the standards, hihi.

Now the real talk begins. I am in my forties now. And I feel true responsibility for my wellbeing more than ever. I came to this book because of my desire to conceive and give birth to a healthy happy baby. And because I understand the challenges in my age, I have made my research about where to look, what to do, to prepare the body for pregnancy in early forties. And I came to this book. Little I know, that I will learn more than about healthy pregnancy and giving birth.

This book opened my eyes about my body as a woman, being born in woman's body, and the all kind of struggle and misinformation and suppression. It gave me deep understanding about my body functions, especially my feminine hormones, my cycle, how to sync with my cycle, and what does it means to live as a woman. A book "must read" for all women, a true womens revolution! AMAZING!

In the FLO

This is 28-day guide how to easily cycle syncing. I absolutely love this book, and I must say since I have started to implement changes to my 28 day cycle, life became easier, and more fun. Also it is funny, because I haven't see or realized in how many injustices we live. Firstly when I started to read A woman Code and In the FLO I felt anger, and sadnes, because of these injustices, and misinformation. Nevertheless never is too late, and I feel first in my life very grateful being a woman, being in my productive years and grateful for what is to come. I feel blessed and grateful for my cycle and my feminine superpower my body gives me, at every age. We should teach everything what is in the book out peers, friends, our daughters, even mothers and grandmothers to prevent our own ignorance. Connection to our body is the key.

A trully wonderful books journey in 2022, for what I am thankful for. I am thankful to the higher power to leading me to each and every book, and I am thankful to each author for being my guide. And I am looking forward to AMAZING MERRY HAPPY GO LUCKY 2023 and all the GOODNESS and ABUNDANCE it offers and is awaiting for us! May love and peace prevail!

Thank you and happy reading in 2023!


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