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BALLERINA BODY by Misty Copeland

Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Leaner, Stronger and More Graceful You

Inspiring, beautiful, true, graceful, simply amazing! That is Misty Copeland and that is her book. And so I could just let my experience with this book and Misty be, just like that, in six words. It is very, very, very inspirational, motivational, it's contagious with inspiration and motivation, very. I love this book. I have read it in a very short period of time because it is so easy to read, and because it is so inspirational and so beautiful and so smart written. This is the most beautiful book I have read about how to get in the desired shape so far. I don't even remember if I have ever finished any other book about the body and how to get in shape. I claim this one as the first one of this genre and I am so happy and glad and grateful for this book.

I think the difference is, that this book comes from life passion, life desire, and life purpose experiences. It is so a beautiful book. I love to dance, I love ballet, I love it. I have dreamed to be a dancer since 3 or 4 years old, unfortunately, life has taken a different turn. I danced, I did, but I had not the support I wanted and needed. I didn't have a mentor. I didn't have the guidance. I didn't have the confidence in myself and to pursue my dreams whatsoever. I kept on trying, which followed with constant giving up, and hen trying other things which led me to fitness. I wanted to dance, at 6 years old was told I don't have the right physique for classical ballet. Even in the dance class, I have attended later for 7 years, there was always this "notion" flying somewhere in the air. Tattoed deep in my head. I could dance, but I could not be what I wanted to be, that was devastating. Fortunately today it's never too late to pursue dreams and to go big and go wild. This book is a true guide for anybody who loves dance and ballet and wants to be healthy and to love hers or his body, at every age. It's for all generations, it's for those who are truly passionate about dance, and also for those who want to pursue a carrier in dance. But Misty is also an athlete, as a professional dancer, this book can be inspirational for anybody, who has a passion for something, dance, ballet, or any kind of sport. And truly inspirational to get Ballerina body, by dancing, and eating your way to a leaner, stronger, and more graceful you, mentally and physically. If you are looking for inspiration and for encouragement, nurture the soul and learn how to nurture the mind and the body, this is the right book. THIS IS THE RIGHT BOOK!

This book is divided into 4 parts:

MIND - Your Body is Perfect for You, Get Inspired, Balance: Finding Inner Peace

MOTION - It's Not a Workout - It's a Way of Life, Ballerina Moves, Take Center Stage

MEALS - The Magic of Fat, Eating for Energy, Meal Choreography, Ballerina Body Recipes

MENTORS - Master Class

Misty takes us from our mind-body perception, inspiration, encouragement about ourselves and our bodies, to basically find the peace of our mind and balance.

Then we learn the ballet moves, from simple to more challenging, which will help us to get the desired body and beautiful graceful moves.

To get desired body, feel healthy and full of energy, that needs the right meals, the right composition of the meal, and right meal choreography. And Misty shares a handful of recipes, which look really delicious and I can't wait to cook them all.

Ultimately Misty Copeland is a pioneer, she is an African-American ballet dancer with lots of firsts. And conscious about her achievement and the responsibility to inspire other young girls or boys to pursue their dreams to dance ballet and shares lots of tips and lots of helpful experiences.


- Ballerina Body, Chapter 11 - MASTER CLASS, Misty Copeland -

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