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Anna's Happy Notes #3 "Perspective"

Here is the thought: Life isn't linear. Life goes up and down, but it is spiraling moving consistently upward. Its line looks like one of a spiral and a galaxy. Our view of life is amusing indeed.

Think of this, do we really know where is up and down? Is our planet turned upward or downward? We show pictures in specific directions, but it does not mean, that we know actually where upward and downward are in the Universe thinking. Yet, the ones being in the "upper sphere", the northern half, are likely to look being standing right regarding our perceptions and the ability to give everything names and tags, on the other hand, the ones in the "lower half of the sphere", the southern half, are actually upside down. Our view of up and down is solely gravity based, which means downs is the center, the meeting point really. And upward goes from the center out. And how this thought can help you in your life? Well, looking different perspective. We sometimes accept information as a given fact, but do we really contemplate its legibility and the source of the information? There is much more than we see indeed. The intangible beyond the tangible. That is what we cannot see by regular eyesight, that we can see by our inner sight. What we see with our own eyes, is our perception, it is information we perceive with our senses. We process this information, and there is another thought, we process this information by default, which is based on our upbringing and all the information we were given and taught in our life which led to our particular and unique view and perspective. Everything we see, and perceive, processed, and based on our default is then projection. It seems to get more complicated right? Is it really? So here is the thing, we need to center ourselves, in order to be in the present moment right? Does that mean we go downward? Hihi. I don't think so, it is the other way around. When we center ourselves, tap in, tune in, and turn on into our inner Self, we actually increase our vibrational frequency, which means the upward direction. So what is your perspective?

This has been a great pleasure and fun to share my other notes with you!

Thank you for reading!



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