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Anna's Happy Notes #4 "Inspiration"

The meaning of the word "Inspiration" according to the Oxford Dictionary is following, quote:

  1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

  • the quality of being inspired.

"a rare moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display"

  • a person or thing that inspires.

plural noun: inspirations

  • a sudden brilliant or timely idea.

"then I had an inspiration"

  • divine influence, especially that supposed to have led to the writing of the Bible.

2. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.

End of quote.

This word in particular is a mystery to me, like the word miracle. When exactly I have comprehended the meaning of the word back then? I have no idea. When is my first recollection of hearing this word, and contemplating it really? I truly don't know. And yet it is such a beautiful word in its all mysteriousness. It is of positive meaning and a true game changer. What I remember are days when I hated hearing the word, and why? Because it is like facing the mirror. When you look for inspiration instead of comparing or judgment, the shift occurs. And what is beautiful about it is the choice. Inspiration opens up the possibilities to choose from, inspiration opens the doors. Comparisement and judgment seem like we make a choice, but we stay exactly where we were, and the doors stays closed, we even don't see any door in fact. To me admitting one's self-humanness is a true virtue. When we look at inspiration and open the door to it as a possibility, we may say yes or no, but we make a conscious choice. In fact, we are saying thank you for this creative possibility, I am making my choice, and if I will say no, I am open to another creative possibility. We say yes firstly to accepting there is a choice, and we say no to no options at all. When we are stuck in judgment and comparison, we just say yes to judgment and comparison, and we say no to other options.

I was trying to contemplate truly and write about inspiration already for several weeks now. It is for the first time it took some time to write a little article on one topic. Subconsciously I knew I cannot just jot down the words about it in five minutes and hope I got it well if I truly want to feel inspiration in my bones before I will share my insight about it with the world.

And today, now, at this very moment, it feels like"meeting" inspiration in its all splendor. Accepting there is more in life, living the life itself actually. I totally fell in love with the word and its meaning, and what it means to me. Because now I feel it in my heart, and when I write about it, it all comes from there, which I guess is what means let the Spirit in, because it comes from the heart, not from above, hihi.

I even didn't know how to start, until it occurred to me to look into the meaning of the word. And the mysteriousness fell apart intellectually. And what I like the most, it didn't hit me at first that actually it also means to take a breath in. And that is when my AH-A moment kicks in! Because inspiration in the form of ideas, inspiring persons, quality of being inspired, and divine influence is literally a fresh breath in.

And the secret? Is there a secret? It might be. The secret is, we get what we asked for! So when inspiration comes, it means we were longing for it! Just think about it.

So let's get inspired, and be inspiring!


I am inspired!

I am inspiring!

I breathe in inspiration, and I breathe out all the need for judgment! I am safe!

I open the doors for inspiration, I let the Spirit in!

I choose to feel good!

I choose to feel good about myself!

I pray for the highest good of all!



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