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Anna's Happy Notes #9 "Dreams"

"Dream your dream for the dream's sake, and never mind about reality or probabilities."

-Abraham Hicks

dream (noun), quote:

  1. a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

  2. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal

Do you have a dream or dreams? And I don't mean those while sleeping. When I was a child, I remember, I used to dream and imagine right before falling asleep, I was even looking forward to this activity, it made me feel good. I don't remember specifically what I used to imagine, I remember feeling good.

We have dreams, little ones, and big ones, and usually, we don't dare to live them, because we tell ourselves stories that dreams are not tangible. But there are many stories that began with a single idea, a dream, and those dreams became reality. I always asked myself the question, how is that possible? We have all the answers, we just need to listen. And I will tell you this. I got it. I understand what Abraham Hicks means. We can change ourselves, and our circumstances. How? By feeling good, no matter what.

I know how it feels when dreams get crushed. The most painful is when they get crushed by those we love, by those we trust, even though it was meant with the best intentions and not to harm. And then we can get stuck and ask ourselves why. It can take years. And we can get angry, frustrated even desperate, and hopeless, maybe lost. I have found in anger a great friend. The moment when we hear repeatedly the answer no, and we know inside that the answer for us is only yes, and we flip the switch, the anger becomes the driving force. We can move the mountains, we can literally do the impossible! When we accept that it is us, who in the end have to have the trust and faith to do it, literally nothing can stop us from letting our dreams come reality. The possibilities are literally infinite.

I would love to say it's all pink and easy. You'd think I am totally crazy. It is not easy at all, especially when we see that it could be. Consistency, discipline, trust, and forgiveness, no matter what!! Let's trust our dreams! Let's trust our hearts and follow them! Always! Let's goodness and kindness with love and joy prevail on our journeys, and let's fun is the index of our success! We own it to ourselves, to our Spirits, to us!

Let's dream, dream, dream, and let it all come to us as reality!



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