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Anna's Happy Notes #7 "Gratitude"


Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

- Eckhart Tolle

gratitude (noun), quote:

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Gratitude, or in other words attitude of thankfulness, and appreciation. We were taught to say "thank you" at a very early age. Next to the magic word "please", "thank you" takes an even more powerful stance, and rightfully the first place of importance in any interaction, relation, physical and non-physical. Between humans and humans, or humans and animals or flowers, or between humans and Spirit / Universe / God / Source of energy, you name it.

"Thank you" feels good. And I mean it feels good. It feels good to give, and it feels even better to receive it. And magically, the more thanks we give, the more we receive.

When we meet somebody new, who's speaking another language, we often ask first how to say "thank you" in the person's maternal language.

In my maternal language, Czech, we say: "DĚKUJI"

A few years ago, when embarking on my Spiritual journey, and learning to love myself, I was taught the most important spiritual practice, and that is an intentional gratitude practice. Thank, thank, and thank, again.

  • To take five minutes every day, and write down at least three things I am grateful for.

It turned out to be the most enjoyable experience. And it never finishes with only three things, rather one or two pages in my journal. Intentional gratitude, and acknowledgment of appreciation for smaller to bigger things happening in my everyday life, bring instant relief when feeling down.

  • To thank immediately after something good happens to me. Outloud, and silently. Acknowledging the Universe what I like, and appreciate.

Amazing habit, that keeps my focus in the present moment, or returns it back to the present moment. And acknowledgment means yes to things we like and feel good about.

  • To thank, immediately when I face a challenge or a difficult situation, a lesson to be learned.

It feels hard at the beginning to thank for something I didn't wish for, but doing so feels like giving in the dispair, and welcoming the guidance. And also, you know the saying "It could be worse?". And do you know that feeling, when it was over, and a few years passed, and now it feels like "I am so thankful for that situation, that happened to me back then! I am so thankful!". Right?

What are you grateful for today? And how do you say thank you in your maternal language? In case English is not the case.....hihi.

My recommendation? Not that I would necessarily impose it, but if I could, get your gratitude journal, and get into the habit, of writing the thanks down, every day now and on.



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