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Anna's Happy Notes #5 "Signs"


"Never abandon your dreams!" Follow the signs!"

- Paulo Coelho

The meaning, quote:


  1. an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

  2. a gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction.

"Writings in the sky", or "Writings on the wall", signs, everywhere you go. Do you follow the signs? Do you ask for them? Can you read the signs? What am I talking about? I am talking about the symbols, only we can translate as signs on our journey to fulfill our deepest desires and dreams. That is what I am talking about, following one's heart. Signs differ for each and every one. As everyone's heart is unique, and so are desires, and dreams.

I believe asking for signs is the easiest exercise in manifesting and the work of the law of attraction. If you want to see how the law of attraction works, ask for a sign. The universe answers, and it answers in the most incredible creative way! It can be indeed a symbol, a song, or something somebody says, same numbers, animals, the creativity is limitless! You can even choose the symbol you want to see. A butterfly, a heart, anything. And when you see it or hear it, YOU KNOW!

I have shared already a few stories about my manifestations of signs. Crazy stories! Like the last summer when I basically manifested a blue butterfly in just 3 minutes or so. Asking for signs is like forging a connection with the Universe, and the Spirit, constantly tuning in, tapping in, and turning on. I believe it makes Universe happy and our higher Self happy, and so us as a whole. It is a mutual joy! The purpose is to keep the vibe high. Joy attracts more joy. Sometimes we feel tired and frustrated, and doubtful, ask for a sign and direction, or confirmation of direction. It feels amazing knowing we are on the right path! And when seeing, thank it, and thank the Universe for manifestation!

The butterflies are signs I have borrowed, first from Lesley Fightmaster. When she saw a butterfly, it was a confirmation of being on the right path. I have borrowed and implemented the same habit. And when Abraham Hicks, and later Gabby Bernstein, talked about it, it was just a confirmation about the right step.

The other day, I was so tired and exhausted, I felt I even cannot manifest anything, so I rested. And what happened the following morning was an incredibly joyful and very playful way of manifesting the signs. I left the house to go to work, and I walked basically 100 meters when a lady on the street opposite me wore a t-shirt saying "LOVE IS THE ANSWER"! Oh, I knew, I was laughing with joy! And after another cca 100 meters another woman with a bag with butterflies all over it. I was laughing so hard, thanking the universe!

BTW, the writing "LOVE IS THE ANSWER", was an answer to my question: "What is the answer?". Haha, isn't it amazing?

Let's ask for a sign!



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