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Anna's Happy Notes #2 "Passion"

What does passion mean to you and what are your passions?

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The meaning of passion according to The Cambridge Dictionary is the following:

  • passion (noun)

a very powerful feeling, for example, sexual attraction, love, hate, anger, or other emotion

  • a passion for something

an extreme interest in or wish for doing something, such as a hobby, activity, etc.

I have heard the word passion during the last week a thousand times. And I have been asked what am I passionate about, and I have asked others what are they passionate about. And it feels so right. Passion feels so right. Feeling passionate is so right. I feel very alive just when talking about passion, and even more when others are talking about their passions. The expression on their faces changes, at first they are shocked and even shy when asked, then they start to think about it, open up, and are glowing and you can clearly see like for this very short time they have just entered another dimension, and they brought you with.

To me, passion indeed means that very powerful feeling, the excitement, exhilaration, rush of energy through my veins, love, joy, and pleasure. Indulgement in life and people and things I love! I imagine the red color, I feel my heart, I feel whole, and I smile!

And things I am passionate about? Oh, many many many many many! Aaaaaah.



P.S.: A day filled with passion is a good day! I wish you to have every day GOOD!

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