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Anna's Happy Notes #10 "Re-invetion"


the action or process through which something is changed so much that it appears to be entirely new.

Source: Definitions from Oxford Languages, Google

We want to feel always good. We yearn to feel good in our bodies, we want to be and do what we love. We want to prosper and be happy. Sometimes we just wake up in the morning, and right after opening our eyes we're in this genuine state of awe when we ask ourselves "What am I doing?". And the inner compass tells us what we did until now doesn't serve us anymore, because we don't feel good, but we want to. And possibly we even haven't seen this coming. Because what we were doing until now kept us in a good feeling zone, or we thought so, and we were doing "good" until that one particular morning. Well, something must have happened right? Maybe personal growth happened. Awakening sort of. And then the idea of a personal re-invention comes. And we ask ourselves "What will make me feel good now?", "What can I do to make me feel good now in this part of my life?", "How can I change it?", "What's the next best step?". Maybe re-invention.

Re-inventing ourselves can feel scary, it is another step out of our comfort zone, into the unknown. Yet....

As I see it from my personal perspective, re-inventing ourselves is more about digging deeper into another layer to our true Selves. At least that is how I feel.

When we open the Pandoras box and look at what is holding us back, step by step we melt the fear and suddenly the circumstances stop reflecting our inner shift and the yearning to change comes. Does it make sense?

It takes courage, it takes commitment, consistency, and determination to make ones world better place, or/and to move to a better place, and/or re-invent ourselves andnour world to better. Dig deeper doesn"t get eaeasier. But we get stronger, smarter and we learn and we know we will need different tools to make it easier. And re-invent something, needs first to get rid of what doesn't work, let go, check the base, and build on that. The result will come!

If you're reading this article maybe you're just in the right time and space, and maybe feeling that yearning for re-invention and looking for an inspiration. Well let me thank you for reading, and showing up for yourself, and ultimately for the world.

So let's roll the sleeves up, and let's get to work to make ourselves to feel better, to make our world a better place! Loving, caring, kind, generous, eager, happy, peaceful, abundant, and beautiful inside out as you and me want it to be!

Let's go!


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