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Anna's Happy Notes #1 "Mother's Day"

My dearest friends, especially girl-friends "Mothers",

today is Mother's Day, and I would like to honor you, all the mothers in the world, my Mom, and all my friends' Mothers, and thank you for your love, dedication, wisdom, and inspiration and your force to change the world, literally! It is in your hands! It is you who raise all the new beings, nurtures them, educate them, teach them, love them unconditionally, and show them the best way possible by doing the best possible you can and beyond! And by doing so not only with your children, but the care of all your loved ones, all your families, and your friends, your communities!


I have made a little survey among my friends, asking them what Motherhood means to them in one sentence, and here are the answers:

Le Bonheur!
Big Happiness!
L'amour inconditionnel! Unconditional love!
L'épanouissement! Fulfillment!

Thanks for submitting!

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