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And here it beggins again...

It's beautiful Sunday afteroon, I have just finished my preparation of my websites and now with ease and sun light in my back, I can take a deep breath in and out and write my first again article or better say this time my contemplation.

Life is wonderfully and playfully leading us where we want to go. Sometimes we may feel like life doesn't want to let us go there. Do you know that feeling? But in the very end, there's no such a thing like that something without any name, because ultimately when that something is holding us back, that something is us. At least it works out for me like that.

We may feel this something like obstacles. And these obstacles are nothing less than testing us and molding us to get where we want to go and be. I have recently finished reading my 10th book this year. It is from Brené Brown, Daring Greatly. And why I mention this is that Brené Brown writes about the importance of vulnerability in our lives. To understand when you Dare Greatly we learn and accept that discomfort is normal. She calls it as "Normalizing discomfort". Normalizing discomfort means to be vulnerable, and not use any armory of a shame, like fear, anger, doubt, violence etc. And so even we may try hundred times, the most important thing is that we try. Or we may try just one time, but we tried, knowing that we dared greatly. And the best thing about it is, anything doesn't have to be perfect at all.

And here I am sitting in my chair,reflecting on how many times I have attempted to start to write a new blog, how many times I have doubted myself and delete all my post, and tried again and deleted everything again, and how many times I have changed my websites and doubted my journey, feeling scared and anxious of the exposure to the worlds opinionated cruelty, and of the new beginning, how many times I doubted my worthiness, how many times I felt I am going to fail and just let the shame and perfectionism shape myself. In the end to come and learn understanding that I may do anything I do and I want to do, but my worth has nothing to do with anything I do no matter what.

I take a deep breath in and out and I am enjoying my chair and my fingers typing and let them freely travel on the keyboard and knowing I dare greatly and I am going to dare greatly and expose myself to uncertainty and opinionated readers and audience and my hidden waiting doubts, but equipped with with compassion to kick the shame out and knowing that I am worthy no matter what and that this is an again beginning article, but it is first contemplation with a great hope and potential to evolve.

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