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"The ultimate goal of yoga is awakening of Kundalini Shakti."

- Swami Satuananda Saraswati, Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha -

Dear adored friends, we dove previously into Pranayama, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Meditation. And today I am going to complete this series of articles devoted to yoga, adding Almighty Kundalini Shakti.

It is an honor to present you Kundalini Shakti. It feels like presenting you piece of you, which is there, but at this moment seems like missing, it is not acknowledged, and now you open the door, and there is no way back. The circle is complete. You will stand in the front of the mirror and perceive yourself, your body as complete, physically and behind physical.

But you already can, because I have touched the topic of invisible Nadis, and pranic body, and prana. You start to get the whole picture and the whole picture of yourself.

You may have heard about a yoga system and class called Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga isn't so spread as others yoga classes. It may not seem so luring, and honestly, me personally, I have jumped directly into 200-hr Yoga teacher training to get to know about Kundalini Yoga, and then I followed with 300-hr Yoga teacher training.

I haven't had the slightest idea what I am doing. I mean, I knew I do yoga teacher training, I just didn't know anything about Kundalini Yoga, and today I am 500 hr Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and it happened so fast and in so short time?!

Back to the topic. Kundalini Shakti is coiled dormant energy at the base of your spine. We all have the Kundalini Shakti like we all have chakras. Without any doubt. That is the fact. And this energy has great potential, it is a powerful energy. This energy is displayed in a form of a snake. And there is no coincidence in that. Because when irritated she can bite just like a snake. What is important here is the pathway the Kundalini rises when awaken. This pathway is created by seven main chakras, which are along the spine, and as we know, they are wheels of energy where nadis meets. Chakras have different properties and powers:

  • Mooladhara chakra / Root chakra

Mooladhara chakra represents stability. It is the first chakra and the first step of our journey towards divinity. The element of this chakra is earth, representing the physical. Its color is red, and its sensory perception is the smell, and its sensory organ is the nose. Mooladhara chakra shows up that our physical body is the first step. When we are solely physically oriented we are blocked in Mooladhara chakra, and so Kundalini Shakti. Mooladhara chakra is the base for all chakras above, and when the base is shaking, we cannot balance ourselves. When we understand our body properly, Mooladhara is awakened and Kundalini Shakti is free to rise to the second chakra.

  • Svadhisthana chakra / Sacral chakra

Svadhisthana chakra represents creativity. It is situated in our sexual organs, in the sacral region, and when Kundalini touches the second chakra we feel sexually activated. The element of this chakra is water. Its color is orange, and its sensory perception is the taste, and the sensory organ is the tongue.

  • Manipura chakra / Navel chakra

Manipura chakra represents one's will, power, strength, and courage. It is situated in the navel center, the solar plexus, and it governs the temperature of the whole body. The element of this chakra is fire. Its color is yellow, and its sensory perception is the sight, and the sensory organ is the eyes. When Manipura is balanced, our fire is activated.

  • Anahata chakra / Heart chakra

Anahata chakra represents emotions. It is situated in the heart center. The element of this chakra is air. Its color is green, and its sensory perception is the touch, and the sensory organ is the skin. Touch represents feeling. Touch means union with the world, interaction, and attachment.

  • Vishudhi chakra / Throat chakra

Vishudhi chakra represents communication, it regulates the space element of our body and the peace of our body. It is situated in the throat. The element of this chakra is ether, space. Its color is blue, and its sensory perception is the hearing, and the sensory organ is the ears. When Vishudhi chakra is activated we find deep peace in our life.

  • Ajna chakra / Third eye chakra

Ajna chakra represents knowledge, inner wisdom. It helps us to manage the whole intuition, intelligence, and mind. It is situated between the eyebrows. The element of this chakra is the mind, the sensory perception, and the sensory organ is the mind. Its color is indigo. When Ajna chakra is activated we become wise, we gain insight, and we can know everything we want.

  • Sahasrara chakra / Crown chakra

Sahasrara represents enlightenment. It isn't actually a chakra, because it is beyond every sense. No sense can reach Sahasrara, and we can reach Sahasrana in superconsciousness. It is situated above our head. Its color is white or purple. Sahasrara chakra is a state of supreme consciousness. It is a seat of Shiva, the husband of Shakti. When Shakti meets with Shiva we reach the state of enlightenment.

In Kundalini yoga we dive deep into the study of these chakras, and their cleanse and balance, to provide Kundalini the pathway to rise. In Kundalini yoga class we meet next to asanas with lots of mudras, bandhas, pranayama, meditation, and chant. In this class, the asanas can be executed in a specific way. This class is different. If you are looking solely for the physical benefits of yoga you won't find it here. For those who aren't seeking just physical benefits, and challenges, rather seeking peace and harmony through awakening they will be also getting physically ready through hatha yoga here.

What do you think? Would you attend the Kundalini Yoga class? How does it sound to you? Maybe we'll meet one day in the class, what do you say?

Thank you for all your attention, and interest and reading the article, and learning something new. I very much appreciate it. The purpose is to see our body also from a different and whole perspective and to think of nadis, chakras, prana, pranic body, and to accept it and take care of it same as caring of our visible physical body. And to care for our body as a whole, visible and invisible. Remember? Yoga means union.

And remember, yoga is good. And yoga is for everyone of every age, and level.

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Thank you.


Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Kundalini Tantra. Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, Bihar, India, 2013.

200hr Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. World Peace Yoga School. Rishikesh, India, 2021.

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