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Do you practice affirmations? Do you recite the affirmations to yourself? Have you ever hear about the affirmations and their magic?

If we would look in yoga, we would find affirmations there in form of mantras. It is a sentence, which aims to be repeated to disrupt the old patterns, beliefs, and limitations. Basically said.

Maybe you have heard it or read it already, but since childhood, we subconsciously repeat to ourselves who we are like "I am not worthy.", "I am not enough.", "I am not lovable.", "I am not deserving.". These four specifically are the most common and the core. There is one more core belief such as"I am not safe.". Maybe you belong to the lucky ones, and you have different core beliefs about yourself. Anyway, it is always good to be conscious about it and to learn something new. Because as said, you attract what you believe. So if we look at it from quantum physics and the law of attraction, it can be used as a great tool to attract for example more abundance in our life.

To change our beliefs we have to acknowledge the old beliefs in order to change them, and it needs a lot of repetition. The key is to say, or write the affirmation as many times as we accept it as to be true. This simple it is. Repeat, repeat, and repeat.

"I am worthy. I am enough. I am lovable. I am deserving. I am safe."
"All is well."
"Life loves me."
"All the love I give, comes back to me multiplied."
"Today is the day."
"I am beautiful."
"I am juicy."
"I am courageous, I am fearless, I am fierce."
"Everything comes to me."
"I get things done."
"People support me throughout the day."
"Creative possibilities are available to me."

These are just examples. Affirmations are also a great tool to be present and to pay attention to what we are thinking and saying to ourselves, it is great to practice consciousness. Everyone knows best what he or she beliefs about self, and everyone has the power to change it. The affirmations are great to set up the intention for anything, for the day, for the work, for anything you can think of.

The best practiced in the morning after waking up to set up the day, and in the evening.

The pioneer in affirmations is certainly Louise Hay. She has mastered the affirmations and raised lots of awareness about self-love and the importance of affirmations, and our self-talk. The great books to read are certainly YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise Hay, and LOVE YOUR BODY, and many more. Throughout my study of spirituality and reading a wide range of books on awakening, consciousness, from different people from different points of view and different backgrounds, they all practice it or practiced it. Louise Hay, Dwayne Dyer, Gabrielle Bernstein, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra. They all have learned about it, and they all have taught or teach about it. So just think about it. What are your core beliefs? And as I mentioned, the affirmations, also mantras come from yoga teaching and philosophy which is here more than thousands of years here.

The book YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise Hay, I consider as one of the books one must read and have.

This book belongs to my MUST READ at least once in a life. This is one of the key books about self-love.

I have created a page I choose to feel good, with the intention to raise awareness about self-talk and affirmations, and I have also created an Instagram account I choose to feel good. My original idea was to write 365 "I am" affirmations, but in the run of time, my direction flew a different way, and I think the best is teamwork.

And so my question is, do you practice affirmations? And if yes, which ones? Please write in comments, or send me a message, and let's write 365 "I am"affirmations together and much more.

If I have counted well, I have 122 "I am"affirmations written and published so far. Check it on the page or Instagram. So 243 left.

Let's do it! 365 different "I am"affirmations.

I can't wait for your affirmations...

Thanks for submitting!

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