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A WOMAN'S WORTH by Marianne Williamson

If I should quote from this book, I would have to copy the entire book or I would rather say "Buy the book and read it!" because I have highlighted almost everything and my system of highlighting got to another level. Anyway, I cannot do it without quoting, so I will quote, and you will have a little idea and perhaps you will understand:

"When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again."

I think I kind of lost track of being a woman, or actually what does it mean to be a woman, what is the meaning of being a woman. And Marianne Williamson just got me on the track. Well, this is definitely a book I cried the most. I questioned myself about being a woman a lot lately. Because I wasn't sure I got the things right. And it means about myself and the world, and other women and the men.

"Beauty is an internal light, a spiritual radiance that all women have but which most women hide, unconsciously denying its existence. What we do not claim remains invisible. This is why the process of personal transformation - the true work of spiritual growth, whether couched in religious terms or not - is the only antidote to the pernicious effects of society's backlash against genuine female empowerment."

I am emotional, and I beat myself, not literally, but I beat myself for being emotional, I keep saying to myself "I am too much, that is too much, and that it is not right.". But being emotional is the quality of a woman. We are emotions, we are drama. It has always been like this, and it will always be like this. And it doesn't diminish anything about our love, care, wholeheartedness, compassion, passion, empathy, wisdom, beauty, sensuality, our powers, and inner compass.

"The woman who is truly self-aware knows that her self is a light from beyond this world, a spiritual essence that has nothing to do with the physical world."

Marianne reveals to us, remind us, our true meaning, our true nature, our purpose, what it is being a woman, and to have feminine powers. We are mothers, with or without children. We are mothers from the first breath we took till the last one we will give, every single day of our life. Being a woman means being a mother. It is in our skills, our abilities, our talents, it's in our DNA. And maybe that is why the world goes haywire because we forget who we really are and we try to imitate other's ways to achieve the goals desires wishes rather than to do it in our authentic fierce fearless feminine loving caring passionate passive way. We try to discriminate ourselves. And it is such nonsense. We are not limited, only limits are those we put on ourselves. It is time to accept ourselves, and our powers and to unleash them, and stop to imitate and impose on ourselves something we are not. We are mothers to ourselves, we are mothers to our brothers and sisters, to our parents, to our children, to our partners, to our peers, to our friends, to everyone. We are mothers to all children. We are mothers to each other. That is the thing. And practically we are reminded about it every single month.

"It is a woman's function to mother the world by holding the idea of its possible perfection within her heart. We give birth to children, to men, to businesses, to each other. It is not the uterus but the heart that is our real womb. What emerges from the heart is a co-creation with God. To give birth to a child is not an inherently conscious act. To produce a happy child, as a parent, a teacher, a friend, or a society is to successfully fulfill a divine function."

We can do anything we want, we can be anything we want. And everything we do and are is just good and right as we do it as women. We are creative, we are strong, powerful, loving, wise, mystic, wild, passionate, loyal, devoted, spiritual, and each and every woman is beautiful and unique, and being a woman is beyond authentic. I believe the same applies to men. They struggle too, they also have to find who they are and they also have to find the deep meaning of being the men.

"We don't just need mothers and all good women around our children; we also need fathers and all good men around them too."

Marianne at the beginning of the book writes how difficult it is to be a woman, and how we cry and cry and cry. Yes, we do, because tears are detoxifying.

This is a truly beautiful eye and heart-opening book. I am so grateful for Marianne's words and care and intimate confession and courage to reveal the truth, sometimes hard yet beautiful. Being a woman is hard, so must be for the man to be the man. Because ultimately we search for a way one to another and to live together in harmony and peace, to create a beautiful peaceful harmonious world. I have learned that I do not have to learn the differences of the man and to adopt them, instead to learn them for to understand the other being and to let him live his own authentic way, to adapt to one another and expand.

"If we can fully imagine one human being, completely happy, then we can begin to imagine heaven. And that is why we learn to love: to care so completely for one other person that our hearts break open wide and we learn to love them all. That's the meaning of love and the purpose of love, that one other person might signify our love for God and all humankind. It's a place where love is holy and sex is holy and the earth itself is reconceived."

Well, I haven't exactly described much about the book, because it is very simple. It is a book for women, as Marianne states in the beginning, and every woman will have her own experience. The book is divided into seven chapters:








Marianne touches each and every aspect of a woman. My experience is transcendent, transformative, meaningful, and very beautiful. What I can say? I would recommend it to each and every woman as MUST READ. When I started to read the book, I shared my everyday experiences with my best friend over the phone. We could relate it to everyday problems and struggle, and with the companion and to have somebody to share the truth was just beautiful and very feminine...hihi.

"We have great power to set a tone of honor, to create an energy around ourselves that says, "I respect myself. I respect you. Let's respect each other." Often we compromise that energy because we want to appear sexy more than we want to appear serious. But we pay for that, and so do the women around us."

We bring joy. Our purpose is to bring joy, to ourselves, to each other, to men, to children, to the world.

I love this book, and I loved to read it, and I loved every single moment with this book and I just love being a woman and to be the light and I am so grateful to Marianne Williamson for this book, her authenticity, her empowerment, and her wisdom and inspiration. This is so a beautiful book.

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