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Love is good ❤ Love is the most beautiful thing ❤ Love is all colors ❤ Love is universal ❤ Love is everything ❤ Love is the substance of all creations ❤ Love is big ❤ Love is open ❤ Love is the whole ❤ Love is a smile ❤ Love is kind ❤ Love is good ❤ Love is creative ❤ Love is pure ❤

Love feels good

Love is embracing ❤ Love is happiness ❤ Love is joyful ❤ Love is the essence ❤ Love is the joy ❤ Love is peace ❤ Love is easy ❤ Love is the ease ❤ Love is flow ❤ Love is unity ❤ Love is a vulnerability ❤ Love is all-encompassing ❤ Love is the only power ❤ Love is us ❤ Love is health ❤ Love is safety ❤ Love is life ❤ Love is clarity ❤ Love is a connection ❤ Love is friendship ❤ Love is family ❤ Love is forgiveness ❤ Love is understanding ❤ Love is mother and father ❤ Love is children ❤ Love is harmony ❤ Love is sisterhood and brotherhood ❤ Love is parenthood ❤ Love is relation ❤ Love is a kiss ❤ Love is nature ❤ Love is the big picture ❤

Love feels so good

❤ Love is the detail ❤ Love is altruistic ❤ Love is the world ❤ Love is the people ❤ Love is humanity ❤ Love is flora ❤ Love is fauna ❤ Love is the core ❤ Love is fundamental ❤ Love is unconditional ❤ Love is magical ❤ Love is respect ❤ Love is all genders ❤ Love is trust ❤ Love is miracle ❤Love is communication ❤ Love is beautiful ❤ Love is ageless ❤ Love is bigger then we can comprehend ❤ Love is symbiotic ❤ Love is all forms ❤ Love is colorful ❤ Love is the source ❤ Love is a gift ❤ Love is the energy ❤ Love is alignment ❤ Love is the fulfillment ❤ Love is the purpose ❤ Love is laughter ❤ Love is compassion ❤ Love is empathy ❤ Love is belonging ❤ Love is eagerness ❤ Love is greatness ❤ Love is guidance ❤ Love is courage ❤ Love is vulnerability ❤ Love is high ❤

Love feels amazing

Love is profound ❤ Love is hug ❤ Love is so beautiful ❤ Love is expanding ❤ Love is warm ❤ Love is the good vibes ❤ Love is vibrant ❤ Love is wisdom ❤ Love is all-season ❤ Love is consciousness ❤ Love is care ❤ Love is the support ❤ Love is remedy ❤ Love is always in ❤ Love is bright ❤ Love is the light ❤ Love is deep ❤ Love is meaning ❤ Love is present ❤ Love is always now ❤ Love is infinity ❤ Love is eternity ❤ Love is manifestation ❤ Love is the answer ❤ Love is the way ❤ Love is a bee caring of the flower ❤ Love is a raindrop ❤ Love is a falling leave ❤ Love is a snowflake ❤ Love is the seed ❤ Love is the soil ❤ Love is the flower ❤ Love is the tree ❤ Love is the full circle ❤ Love is blossoming ❤ Love is substance ❤ Love is fruitful ❤ Love is celebration ❤ Love is the truth ❤ Love is free ❤ Love is freedom ❤ Love is equal ❤ Love is equality ❤

Love feels so damn amazing ❤

Love is holding each other's hands ❤ Love is the nurture ❤ Love is acceptance ❤ Love is shining start ❤ Love is all dimensional ❤ Love is galaxy ❤ Love is the Universe ❤ Love is transcendent ❤ Love is grace ❤ Love is gratitude ❤ Love is appreciation ❤ Love is inspiration ❤ Love is you ❤ Love is me ❤ Love is us

Love is...

Exercise: Complete the sentence. Write, say, sing, or scream at least 10 different meanings.

Share your thoughts: Did you find new meanings? I would be very pleased to know them, please find below the gallery a letter button and feel free to share with me your complete sentences. The more the better. In the subject of the mail, insert...

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