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I have once written about ego and I tried to describe it as something that we could actually take as advantage. But in my opinion, now, it was self-defense of the ego itself. We cannot judge it, from the principle. Well, I must admit I was struggling in understanding the concept of ego. It appears like something ungraspable. So let's look at it from a different angle.

Love is the answer. To my understanding comes that when we look at love, what love is, the ego is what love is not, opposite, and yet not the exact opposite. I'll explain it here. When we apply love as a source of creative energy, as the ultimate essence, like everything, the universe. We know it, we feel it, we are it and part of it, we have the ability to be conscious about it. Then what it is when we struggle and deny, feel fear and anger and depression, suppression, loneliness, disconnection, etc.? Originally before sitting to write about the ego, I was thinking of it as the opposite of love, but that's not it, it has opposite features, but, to my understanding of love and divine supreme creative energy what is the essence of everything, on the subatomic level, the ego is not the opposite, because there is not any opposition to the love, supreme ultimate consciousness, the force of creation. It just cannot be. So what is the ego then and why it makes us suffer?

We see good and bad because we were born as human in this physical reality, we literally experience the physical duality. I could imagine like this, standing in the empty room, imagining it on an atomic level, when we look at it this way, everything is just atoms floating in the free space, even the human body. Now the atomic level here is the ultimate source of energy, love, consciousness, all the space in the room including yourself, so there is no boundary, it's pure oneness. Now start to imagine in that space your body just like a holographic bubble (with real bubble features) in that space. You can see its edges. See it as an en empty hologram, the holographic bubble in the form of your body. It starts to divide the space, now it has created boundaries and tries to divide from the oneness to its own small me, identification. It isolates. The stronger the ego is, the more sense of me, the thicker is the wall of the holographic bubble, the more divided it is. That bubble in the space starts to feel a divided part from the oneness in the space where it is. It starts to behave like individuality and starts to protect itself, it has fear to be destroyed. And there comes the paradox. Can you guess?

It is only the ego itself who believes in its own existence. That is ego.

How it can be destroyed when it is an actual hologram? How it can be destroyed when it has no base? And yet it makes believe in its own holographic design and everything it creates. Now I repeat, it creates the opposite features to love and divinity and source of creation. It divides from the oneness, it labels itself, it protects itself, it has fear of destruction, of dissipation. It looks like an intruder in that space. We are in human bodies, we live in material reality. When we look at ourselves, we can actually see ourselves physically divided from the space, we can touch and feel our edges, we can feel gravity. And that's where we can entangle ourselves in actual holographic design because it appears to be real and divides selves from the ultimate true source of energy. Awakening isn't some divine act, or act for monks or gurus. Awakening is the understanding, to go beyond the ego, stay above.

When we look at it as infinite. We are born "from"infinite as babies, we are born actually awaken. At that moment when we are born, we are born in the material world and due to our senses, we start to experience the hologram ego concept, because through our senses we experience physically the edges and division physically and at that moment we start to forget. Now I repeat it is only the ego itself who believes in its own existence.

We are pure awareness, consciousness, we are connected, we are inseparable. What separates is the self-created hologram. The thing is ego appears as "I", in fact when you look at it from the bigger picture, it is actually "it".

Now I clearly understand what Dr. Wayne Dyer said "E.G.O. = edge god out". Do you understand it too?

The ego identity can appear to be so real, it can make-believe itself it is not destroyable, but what happens when you pinch a bubble? Sometimes is just enough to let the bubble itself fall on your hand and it dissolves itself.

Because we live in the material world, the ego is a self-created part of it, as I explained. That is why is so essential the understanding the ego, acknowledgment of its entity, the concept, the power. That is a step to awakening. And the awakening is the natural next step in our human evolution. Now it can feel like a necessary step. This step is inevitable, from the principle. Our wishes stand above all. We want to live in peace and harmony and stand above the scrutiny, racism, inequality, homophobe, gender difference, etc. We want to be free and prosper and we want it for everyone.

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