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8 affirmations for growth

We grow constantly. It is an inevitable process. Since our conception, we're growing, and expanding. The cells are multiplying, creating a life beyond our comprehension. Then we are born, and the growth naturally continues. We embark on our journey as a human beings. The growth is in our DNA. We grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually (see article Anna's Happy Notes #11 "Well~being"). We are growing and expanding as the Universe, is growing and expanding.

We are learning every day. Consciously or unconsciously. Yoga teaches about our growth as the expansion of our consciousness to awaken to reach our full potential. As children we observe, explore, and learn naturally. We have no concept of time, clock, and calendar. We live life day by day, moment by moment. We try to make the best out of it naturally. We are naturally born independent. Then we have teachers along the way, our parents, school teachers, other authorities, and the community. A wonderful African is saying: "It takes a village to raise a child.". I love it. There is another saying, and again its origin is African: "There are two gifts we can give our children, one is roots, and the other is wings.". I love this one too very much.

Sometimes we may feel stuck, yet we're still growing, it is inevitable. Being, or feeling stuck may be interpreted in yoga words, as being unconscious. We live life in a dream, a life of concept. We may feel depressed, angry, sad, resentful, and frustrated, because we may not like what we see. Yoga teaches the life of dream is a life based on our senses and perceptions. When you take away all your senses, smell, vision, touch, and taste, what will remain of your perceived life? Think about it a bit. Where then do all the frustration, anger, fear, resentment, and negativity come from?

What remains is pure Consciousness, according to yoga. Yoga teaches about the Consciousness being behind it all, ever-present, and unchangeable. And yoga teaches us, that we are connected to this omnipresent Consciousness at all times because we are part of it. You know the sentence "We are all one.". But we live in a perceived life by our senses, and we basically limit our life to these senses, and we are unaware of this consciousness, which we are part of. That is why yoga says we don't live life to our full potential because we limit it to our perceptions. So what yoga teaches is, that we can go beyond what we see, by waking up, aligning to consciousness, and creating the life we want to see. Live to our full potential. Now this teaching somebody would say is some new age stuff. Well it isn't, it has been here for more than 2 thousand years when I talk about yoga. Other philosophies tap into the same, like Buddhism for example. What changes is there are more and more people practicing yoga, asanas, and meditation, slowly and surely growing and expanding their own consciousness. They want to feel good. I want to feel good, and i believe you want to feel good. And so this week we affirm:

The Source of energy is flowing to me and through me!

I am connected.

I am teachable.

I am open-minded.

I am a wise person.

I am witty.

I am expanding.

I am growing.

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